Büyülenme Hakkında C# IStructuralEquatable nedir

Büyülenme Hakkında C# IStructuralEquatable nedir

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Keep in mind that for this interface to work correctly, the types within the collection or structure must also implement IStructuralEquatable or provide their own structural equality logic.

In this case you don't want to change your class implementation so you don't wantoverride the Equals method. this will define a general way to compare objects in your application.

That is right! When we override Equals we must also override and implement GetHashCode. I am no HashCode expert, but in the same article from Sergey is a snippet of using a ValueTuple to simplify this entire call to 1 line of code just like our fancy ValueTuple Equality above.

IStructuralEquatable is an interface in C# that defines methods for determining whether two objects are structurally equal. It's often used in scenarios where you want to compare the structure of objects, typically within collections, and hamiş just compare references or individual values.

I'm amazed that the most important reason is hamiş mentioned here. IEquatable was introduced mainly for structs for two reasons:

Structural equality means that two objects are equal because they have equal values. It differs from reference equality, which indicates that two object references are equal because they reference the same physical object. The IStructuralEquatable interface enables you to implement customized comparisons to check for the structural equality of collection objects.

So, I am apparently wrong kakım unequal objects may have equal hash codes. But isn't GetHashCode returning a somewhat randomly distributed grup of values a requirement?

The following example creates two identical 3-tuple objects whose components consist of three Double values. The value of the second component is Double.NaN. The example then calls the Tuple.Equals method, and it calls the IStructuralEquatable.Equals method three times. The first time, it passes the default equality comparer that is returned by the EqualityComparer.

(doesn't violate documentation), but it is clearly not birli good birli it would be if 0 were replaced with i. Also there's no reason to loop if the code were just going to use a single value from the array.

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C# IStructuralComparable Determines whether the current C# IStructuralEquatable nedir collection object precedes, occurs in the same position as, or follows another object in the sort order.

That is, you kişi create your own definition of structural equality and specify that this definition be used with a collection type that accepts the IStructuralEquatable interface. The interface özgü two members: Equals, which tests for equality by using a specified IEqualityComparer implementation, and GetHashCode, which returns identical hash codes for objects that are equal.

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3 feature called Tuple Equality! That is right, you sevimli create a ValueTuple and simply compare them bey they are super optimized, don't create any objects, and reduce this to a single line of code!

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